Through conceptual thinking, documenting the process of making and the continual sequence of a piece of work underlies how I am now endeavouring to picture memory. Memory is difficult - it is not what is actual in the moment; overtime it can shift and can seem all together lost. I endeavour to make structures to help ‘hold’ the memory and a framework to make loss a source of legitimate other.’
The Images in this section are selected from bodies of work completed and in process:
My Tree, Transitions, Cut Outs and Clay.
Brunei Gallery 'Transitions 1/2/3/4' and 'My Tree Sections 1/2' (oil on linen, fibreglass, resin, wood).

collage paper cutout, pencil, paper. Concepts for My Tree
'My Tree 1' Shaldon Botanical Gardens fibreglass, resin and wood
Brunei Gallery. My Tree 1/2 with reflections

transitions 3/4. oil on linen
Section of Transitions 3, oil on linen

Transitions 1/2. oil on linen

'Cut Outs' oil, plastic, paper. Process leftovers.

'Cut Outs' clay plastic tape.
Joya. Landscape natural light oil paint, plastic, tracing paper, tape

Newtonards Arts Centre - recreating landscape. light box, plastic, oil paint, tracing paper, tape, hooks

Joya. making clay from walking in the landscape

Clay. Series from walking in Joya Landscape. Clay, handmade paper, plastic, marker pen

Process laying and taring paint. oil paint on linen

Joya. 'Clay Series' drawing process. Wet handmade paper, plastic, marker pen

Moving through Joya Landscape. oil on linen.

(In process Joya) Clay Cutouts Series. Handmade paper, clay.
Thinking on paper is remembering, recording, capturing concepts and are the nuggets that bodies of work pivot on.
The next section is a selection of paintings on handmade paper. They are intimate sketches with titles of the ‘idea’ rather than the name of a finished peice.
body as table. oil on paper
connection. oil on paper
the Bed and the body. oil on paper

holding the flow. oil on paper
the cribs weight. oil on paper
landscape sketch. oil on paper
levitated night vision. oil on linen

forming a landscape. oil on paper
dividing the curtain. oil on linen
Making paintings that are more than a sketch, that are part of a body of work on the same theme but are not of a sequence, means they need to stand on their own, complete in every way.
This selection of oil on linen painting come from the body of work called Searching for Eden
night watch. oil on linen
Releasing The Bees. oil on linen
Eva and The earth issuing forth. oil on linen
flourishing within the walls. oil on linen
night vision of my distant abode. oil on linen

Garden of Thoughts in my head and upon my chair. oil on linen
Remembering My tree. oil on linen

Journeying Through Joya. oil on linen